She was too young, even for a man with no age, but she caught his eye. Slim, dark-haired, with long fingers caught in the skirt of a shapeless dress, she was clearly not a child of wealth. She no doubt belonged to the riverboat upon which she stood, a shabby thing that had seen better days. Even so, in the fire’s light they both bent toward beauty. It was her gaze, fixed on the sky, which arrested him. Others watched the fire, drawn in by its glow and movement, but…
Tag: old races
Okay, guys, I have to say this was a great deal of fun for me. Some of the story suggestions were perfectly wonderful, things I wouldn’t have thought of myself but which were terribly obvious as soon as they were suggested. Obviously not everybody can win the anthology, but *many* of these ideas will, I think, end up as stories. Thank you all! Hee hee hee! There are exceedingly moderate spoilers behind the cut, but I’ll put ’em behind the cut because they’re spoilers at all.
I feel as though I should not need to eat for a week. I swear, the human digestive system ought to work that way. Cold-blooded animals have a certain amount going for them. I suspect, however, that I’ll be hungry within a couple of hours… Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I feel very birthdayed. :) And I have a new pedometer and movies and a new bread-baking tin, which makes for quite satisfying birthday loot, if you ask me. :) The final tally for my two auction items…
Fiction Week: New York Hold ’em
I am on a plane to London, where I will be doing a signing from 6-7pm this evening at The Forbidden Planet! I hope to see some of you there! And that means today’s story is getting posted early, and tomorrow’s will probably be late, ’cause I don’t get back to Ireland until mid-afternoon. All right, all right, we’re starting to get to what you all really wanted in the first place, right? A story of the Old Races, just for you. :)