I hate revising.

I hate revising. I particularly hate it when I’m going over a manuscript that, when I finished writing it, I thought was REALLY BAD and probably needed to be totally thrown out, and six weeks later when I look at it again I’m like “this appears to mostly work and i can’t tell if it actually works or if it’s just this HUGE GAPING BLIND SPOT OF DENIAL.” Even more aggravating is that the last 3 chapters of my printed manuscript mysteriously disappeared and so I was left in the…

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the final revisions

So the SHAMAN RISES revisions are really super light except for the five chapters that need to be completely rewritten. After finishing my re-read last week, I emailed my editor and said “okay, so my problem here is that I wrote it this way because the other thing to do leads down a genuinely unforgiveable path and I don’t know what to dooooooooooo” She wrote back right away and my first impulse upon glancing at it was “no, that won’t work.” This morning when I sat down to have a…

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DEMON HUNTS is revised and delivered unto my editor. The copped-out storyline is much improved and hopefully everything else that needed explaining has been explained satisfactorily. And now I have no more revisions to do until the next TRUTHSEEKER revision letter. However, lest you think that means I’m caught up, I say BAHAHAHA. O.O Next up is writing “Hot Time”, upon which I’ve done some 1800 words already and, er, I seriously doubt this is going to come in as short as 7500 words. I’m sort of hoping I can…

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I need…

…to live someplace where there are enough people I know around that I can throw Dessert Parties. I have all these great dessert cookbooks (Mrs Fields’ I LOVE CHOCOLATE Cookbook, a cheesecake cookbook, an ice cream recipe book…) and no reason to make any of the desserts in them. There are a hundred recipes in the Mrs Fields book. It could take years to go through just /that/ one. But the desserts are mostly too extravagant to make just for two people, and they’re *all* too *large* for just a…

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why yes, i am avoiding work

(sorry for repost, it is due to WP/LJ crossposting dipshittery) – get a picture frame » put together gift basket box – get envelopes » put chance issues in envelopes :) – box up Walker Papers for Mr. M – DEMON HUNTS revisions^H^H^H^H change of plans, work on critique instead – call bonk – make bread – do laundry (Ted’s doing this, bless him) – send receipts (VERY IMPORTANT) Nice swim this morning. I did my first 500 in 9 minutes, which is faster than I usually…bother to do, if…

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