updating the TBR list

for my own benefit, so i can find it again. i tell you what, though, i’m reading a lot more than is geting stricken off this list. i’m afraid that might mean i’m still buying books… o.o (sequels! they’re all sequels! they’re…well, some of them are sequels…)

2014 Thinks To Do

Okay, so big plans for 2014 include: – rewatching the Ron Perlman/Linda Hamilton Beauty and the Beast as part of a year-long thing with Stephen Aryan and Liz de Jager. We might even have a weekly Discussion Blog about that week’s show. Anybody who wants to can join in! – (re)reading all the Guy Gavriel Kay novels, of which there are now 12, one a month in publication order, again with weekly discussion. We’ll be starting with THE SUMMER TREE in January, with a goal of reading 4 chapters a…

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The TBR Shelf Listing:

Not, infuriatingly, in alphabetical order, because my books aren’t that organized right now, grr. There are several I’ve got on my e-reader that I’m not going to list right now because it’s too much effort to turn it on, and some I’ll hopefully get for Christmas, but yeah. There’s already 50 books on this list and that’s not including (save one) the GGK re-reread. And then in 2015 I will read ALL THE BOOKS BY PEOPLE I KNOW that I am not caught up on, because gawd. Seriously, if I…

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