all right FINE after attempting EVERY POSSIBLE LEGAL METHOD & (let’s be honest) a couple of quasi-legal methods of streaming Leverage, i have BOUGHT NOT ONLY THE DVDS BUT ALSO A PORTABLE DVD/BLU-RAY PLAYER SO I CAN WATCH IT WHILE USING THE EXERCISE CYCLE, GOD DAMN IT i feel that this is SOMEWHAT OVER THE TOP and should not have been A NECESSARY STEP for watching 12 YEAR OLD TV in THIS THE YEAR OF OUR LORD TWO THOUSAND TWENTY i also bought The Librarians and Alias for good measure…

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lazy lion at dublin zoo

nano: halfway mark + gym, tv, & life

I’m supposed to be at 45K on Project One for November. I’m at 29K and have to revise again, but after two days of grim effort I may actually have a plot now, which should help. :P Technically I guess I still really only need 4K a day to make goal by the end of the month, but IDK if I’ll get there. I haven’t gone back to Project Two yet. Project Three is underway in terms of layout. Waiting on the cover art for it, which is going to…

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ST:TOS: Man Trap & Charlie X

At the beginning of July all the Star Trek episodes became available on Netflix. I let out a squee heard ’round the world (it was, too, thanks to Twitter), because I’ve been wanting to watch it with Indy; I was a little younger than he was when I watched pretty well the entire original series (the, er, only series, at that point), and I think it’s a pretty great age to be introduced to Trek. The non-Kirk pilot is not included, and the episodes are presented by air date rather…

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Picoreview: NCIS Season 10

Picoreview: NCIS Season 10 (and the first 2 eps of s11): …that was actually really, really good. I mean, NCIS is a solid show. It’s generally of reasonably high quality and consistency, with very few actively bad episodes and correspondingly few really *good* ones. The actors are all appealing and their interactions are terrific, and the whole thing lends itself to the sense of family that it’s supposed to. The season started out with plenty of AUGH, between the bombing and (much more alarmingly) Ducky’s heart attack, but every season…

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house hunting

We’ve been house hunting. I feel like I’ve been doing nothing at all work-wise (that’s because I’ve been doing nothing at all work-wise) and I feel like I don’t know what I HAVE been doing, although house hunting has been part of it. We went to look at a ridiculously cool place today. I mean, it’s literally a Georgian manor house. It’s not a BIG manor house (4br), but it’s literally a Georgian manor house and it’s on about an acre and is in the middle of a city. I’ve…

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