I’ve ended up with some FAQs about what I’ll be doing next for crowdfunding/Kickstarter, so I thought to close this series out with a poll, which I’ll post shortly (ETA: I have posted it! It is here! You should be able to vote by logging in with FB, G+ or OpenID, I think, so if you don’t have an LJ account, fret not!), and a tackling of the FAQs. Surprisingly (or, y’know, not), the most common question is: So will you be doing this again? Um, yes. Yes I will.…
Tag: walker papers
Congratulations to the “No Dominion” Kickstarter patrons, who have funded themselves a novel. The wordcount is currently at 40,200 words and climbing. By SFWA standards, 40K is a short novel, and I figure I’ve got 5-10K left to write. Wow. 15200 / 50000 (30.40%)
The Numbers Game
I gotta get “Easy Pickings” onto Smashwords. We’re at about 1200 sales via Amazon now, and a couple hundred on BN, plus around 500 (maybe more) from our combined websites, so we’re doing not too badly, I’d say. But I should get it on to that last platform and, er, well, see if it’s *worth* it. Which leads into the blog about numbers post I’ve been meaning to do, so lemme hit that real quick: Readers often ask me where they should buy books from, whether I get the same…
“Your life is not normal.”
A couple nights ago I said to Ted, “I have a Skype date tonight!” He said “Oh you do! With WHOM?!” “With Gabra Zackman,” said I, “the reader of my Walker Papers audio books.” Ted paused, bemused, then said, “Your life is not normal. I mean, really. That’s just not normal.” I had a *wonderful* chat with Gabra, who is charming and funny and clever, and sometime soon (maybe not until Audio Book Release Day, but maybe before then) I’ll be posting a guest blog she’s done for me about…
mizkit.com/mizkit@lj Raven Calls winners!
The mizkit.com winners of the RAVEN CALLS giveway are Anne Pascale Quinty, Poppy, and Larisa LaBent! The mizkit.livejournal.com winners of the RAVEN CALLS giveaway are jasondrake, tattermuffin, and for_rainy_days! All of you please email me at cemurphyauthor AT gmail DOT com with your snail mail addresses, your LJ names if that’s what you’ve won under so I know who you are, and whatever name I should sign the books to. :)