Via Twitter…

…over on Twitter, Nick Harkaway observes that “So it turns out, interestingly (sort of) that releasing an eshort is more stressful for an author in many ways than releasing a novel…” Oh yes. Yes, for me, absolutely. Much of this is because it’s brand-new and because I am (we are) doing all the leg work, but wow. Much, much more nervous about releasing “Easy Pickings” than any book I’ve published except probably my very first one*. I’m fairly happy with the cover, though…well. I have perhaps unreasonably high standards for…

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B&N! Amazon! SubPress! Raven Calls!

Holy beans, today is a bonanza of self-promotion! (Apparently the whole week is, actually, looking at what I’ve already posted…but anyway!) “Easy Pickings” is now available as a Kindle book AND as a Nook Book! I am VERY EXCITED about this. VERY excited. No, really, I am, because all my crowdfunding aside, this is my first foray into actual self-publishing beyond the scope of the crowdfunded projects, and I’m very, very interested and excited to see how it goes. So if you’ve read and enjoyed “Easy Pickings”, you should post…

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Crowdfunding: “No Dominion”

It’s that time of year again: The Rose & Bay Crowdfunding Award is open for nominations, and part of the process is making certain nominees have a landing page for people to go read about their crowdfunding efforts in 2011. I’ll be doing two landing pages for 2011: the “No Dominion” Kickstarter campaign, and the Old Races Short Story Project. First up: “No Dominion”! Project Proposal: I set out with a goal to raise $4000 through to fund the writing of a Walker Papers tie-in novella about Gary Muldoon,…

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awesome & yet self-aggrandizing

Today’s awesome things are all about me (I swear this wasn’t the plan when I started this on Sunday). :) First, today is the official release day for WALKING DEAD, book four of the Walker Papers! As far as I can tell, everybody I know bought it two weeks ago, but still, today is the official release day! Seattle’s a great place to live…if it weren’t for the undead. For once, Joanne Walker’s not out to save the world. She’s come to terms with the host of shamanic powers she’s…

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I just got the rough cover for DEMON HUNTS, book five of the Walker Papers, due out in June 2010 (and book four is out in three weeks! Yay!). ZOMG. I wish I could show this off to you right now, because it’s going to be amazing. Wow. Wow! Yay! I believe I have a new favorite cover! Holy crap, speaking of covers, I just saw the cover to the twelfth Dresden Files novel. Holy *crap*. If you’ve been paying any attention, the Dresden Files always have two word titles,…

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