Contest winners!

My goodness, what a lot of people threw their names into the hat for an early copy of WALKING DEAD. The winners are Jhada Addams from Facebook, starfallz/ from LJ, and The Other Lisa from! If the three of you will please email me your snailmail addresses with WALKING DEAD WINNER ADDRESS as the subject line, I will get those books out to you this week. My email address is Thanks for participating, everybody. That was fun. :)

oh right

Right. If it wasn’t obvious from that last post, I got copies of WALKING DEAD, book 4 of the Walker Papers, in the mail today. Throw your name in the hat (ie, leave a comment) and I’ll draw 3 numbers & send the corresponding commenters a copy of the book. :)

officially impressed with myself

Periodically people (, particularly) want to know what it takes for me to be satisfied/impressed/pleased with myself/my accomplishments. Here is the answer: My first book came out 4 years, 6 weeks ago. Including the comics as one unit, what you see there are 15 books with my name on ’em. Today, I am officially impressed with myself.

I have been experimented upon!

Yesterday I got an interview request email from someone who’d just read URBAN SHAMAN, which isn’t all that unusual. They mentioned that picking it up was the result of an experiment they were running, which is entirely unusual. It was all very mysterious, with no explanation of what the experiment *was*, just a promise that it would be explained in the review post. So I answered the questions, and a report and interview is now up at It’s actually a pretty damned interesting experiment, I think, and not just…

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twitter, facebook, shameless self promotion…

All right, while it would no doubt be easier to give away books, I’m going to write a couple of Walker Papers short stories (possibly *very* short stories) for Facebook fans/Twitter followers when they crest a certain number. For Facebook, that number is 250, which is only ten or eleven people away. (The story may get substantially longer with every, say, hundred more people who join the fan group.) The Facebook fan page is here. For Twitter, which the entire world seems to claim as More Popular, the number is…

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