One of my Loyal Readers, known in these parts as Hataroni, commissioned a short story, and then someone else put us over the top! WE HAVE COVER ART! But Hataroni didn’t just commission a story. He’s asked me to ask YOU for story ideas that he can choose from, because he’d like to see what his fellow readers would like, too! IS HE COOL OR WHAT?!?! So please post your story ideas here, and I’ll make sure he sees them (well, he will anyway, but I’ll make sure!) Hataroni has…

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20 hours & counting. O.O

Today I have made lemon curd, marshmallow creme, chocolate fudge, vanilla fudge, and coffee fudge (well, okay, I haven’t made that YET), roasted a chicken with carrots & baby potatoes, and I will shortly bake some biscuits. Displacement activity, anyone? :) The REDEEMER Kickstarter is just over 11K with 20 hours left. 387 backers, which is fast closing in on my revised-revised dream number of 400. Lindsey Look cover art is less than a thousand euro away. I feel faintly as though I’m living in a dream state. :) I…

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Parenthetical Post

I’m holding the Sockpocalypse. We have an unbelieveable number of unpaired socks. I’ve been collecting all that I can find for the purposes of washing and pairing them. Anything left without a mate at the end gets binned. I don’t need wire hangers anyway (althoug a bicycle would be nice). Yeterday it was (literally) freezing. As part of the Sockpocalypse, I unearthed my winter coat (and my knee-length black leather coat, and my Sassy Librarian Glasses, which means I now have a pair of glasses for every day of the…

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V for Victory!

Ladies and gentlemen, the REDEEMER campaign has just crossed the €8K threshold, which means the Redeemer Chronicles are a go and I am under contract–*to you*! Oh my gawd. Holy crap. Holy BEANS. This is–I mean, NO DOMINION was very exciting, of course, but this is a whole different ball game! This is a NEW STORY I get to tell RIGHT FROM SCRATCH, and it’s a thing that’s happening because we now live in a world where readers can directly make books happen. That is so amazing. YOU GUYS are…

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I just remembered something embarrassing. *laughs* My first Usenet/email name/handle/display name was “Storyteller”. I mean, I was 17, okay? So I can forgive me for being a little dorktastic, but in retrospect it makes me laugh because it’s so…17 and pretentious. Or dreamy-eyed or whatever you want to call it, but as dorky as it was, it was also how I perceived myself, either as I was or as I wanted to be. I wanted to tell stories to people. I’ve always wanted to tell stories to people: my earliest…

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