20 hours & counting. O.O

Today I have made lemon curd, marshmallow creme, chocolate fudge, vanilla fudge, and coffee fudge (well, okay, I haven’t made that YET), roasted a chicken with carrots & baby potatoes, and I will shortly bake some biscuits. Displacement activity, anyone? :) The REDEEMER Kickstarter is just over 11K with 20 hours left. 387 backers, which is fast closing in on my revised-revised dream number of 400. Lindsey Look cover art is less than a thousand euro away. I feel faintly as though I’m living in a dream state. :) I…

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Parenthetical Post

I’m holding the Sockpocalypse. We have an unbelieveable number of unpaired socks. I’ve been collecting all that I can find for the purposes of washing and pairing them. Anything left without a mate at the end gets binned. I don’t need wire hangers anyway (althoug a bicycle would be nice). Yeterday it was (literally) freezing. As part of the Sockpocalypse, I unearthed my winter coat (and my knee-length black leather coat, and my Sassy Librarian Glasses, which means I now have a pair of glasses for every day of the…

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V for Victory!

Ladies and gentlemen, the REDEEMER campaign has just crossed the €8K threshold, which means the Redeemer Chronicles are a go and I am under contract–*to you*! Oh my gawd. Holy crap. Holy BEANS. This is–I mean, NO DOMINION was very exciting, of course, but this is a whole different ball game! This is a NEW STORY I get to tell RIGHT FROM SCRATCH, and it’s a thing that’s happening because we now live in a world where readers can directly make books happen. That is so amazing. YOU GUYS are…

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I just remembered something embarrassing. *laughs* My first Usenet/email name/handle/display name was “Storyteller”. I mean, I was 17, okay? So I can forgive me for being a little dorktastic, but in retrospect it makes me laugh because it’s so…17 and pretentious. Or dreamy-eyed or whatever you want to call it, but as dorky as it was, it was also how I perceived myself, either as I was or as I wanted to be. I wanted to tell stories to people. I’ve always wanted to tell stories to people: my earliest…

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Recommended Reads: Hunter, Tzavelas, Sperring

The other day on Twitter someone said she’d just finished all the Walker Papers, and now what was she going to read! So I made some suggestions, and not only she but several other people were delighted. So I thought maybe I’d try to make Recommended Reads a regular blog feature (in so far as anything is a regular blog features these days @.@), separate from the Recent Reads I generally try to do. I figure the point of this isn’t just to list names—I could do that for weeks—but…

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