my best(worst) critique ever

Back at the start of the century (!) I submitted a manuscript to a writing contest, which I finaled in and went to the conference the contest was associated with, because finalists got to meet an editor and I wanted a professional opinion on whether what I was doing was any good. Finalists also wore little ribbons saying they were finalists in their genre. The SF/F ones were yellow. A woman came up to me and said, “Oh! You’re a SF&F finalist! Were you one of mine? I’m one of…

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Magic & Manners: Chapter Three

With ongoing apologies to Jane Austen, and a wish for all to have a Happy Midwinter Holiday, I present to you the third chapter of MAGIC & MANNERS, which is what happens when I get it into my head to wonder what PRIDE & PREJUDICE would be like if it was not a lack of wealth that beleaguered the Bennet sisters, but rather an excess of magic… Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three lies behind the cut. :)

the travails of writing

So a couple nights ago I sat down to work on STONE’S THROE and came to a moment when I needed to describe Amelia’s motorcycle. I went looking for a picture, and…well, I found one. Except it became clear as I read about it that the in-character-defined motorcycle…basically didn’t exist. Even in 1917. It was essentially a prototype, hand-built in 1909 by a kid in Italy to pursue a racing career. Over the next fifteen years or so he developed a line that went into mass production in the 20s…

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a useless 3K

I wrote 3K on STONE’S THROE today. It’s basically entirely the wrong 3K, for reasons rather beautifully detailed here, by Jennifer Crusie. I’m basically writing until I get to the start of the story, at which point– Well, if I’m lucky, at that point I’ll be able to work the backstory in as short flashback chapters, because the two stories ought to resonate with each other rather than being “Hi, here’s Story #1, there, now that’s over with and here’s Story #2.” I am, however, a pretty linear writer most…

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calendars & stuff

First, I remind folk that the CE Murphy 2014 photographic calendar is available and currently 20% off with the discount code 48HOURSDEALS. I remind you of this mostly so I’ll remember to order some myself for gifts, but hey, if I’m reminding me I might as well remind everybody. :) Second, I have finally turned in a synopsis for a book that is over a year late. I have never been this late on anything and am mortified, but the synopsis is a lot of fun and if I can…

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