calendars & stuff

First, I remind folk that the CE Murphy 2014 photographic calendar is available and currently 20% off with the discount code 48HOURSDEALS. I remind you of this mostly so I’ll remember to order some myself for gifts, but hey, if I’m reminding me I might as well remind everybody. :) Second, I have finally turned in a synopsis for a book that is over a year late. I have never been this late on anything and am mortified, but the synopsis is a lot of fun and if I can…

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The Bin Saga

Months ago we changed rubbish removal services and I asked the old company to take away their bins, which they were supposed to do within 10-15 working days. After two months of me reminding them, I sent a bill. Then I started sending a daily reminder. Monday: I’m disappointed to report the bins are still here. I got a cut and pasted standard “We apologise for the delay, I’ll send an urgent request” response to that. Now, I’d intended to just keep sending that again and again until they came…

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good. bad.

The good news is I know how I’ve screwed up the book. The bad news is this is all new screw-ups, following the screw-ups I’ve already fixed, because I was determined that the synopsis had it right even if it didn’t make much sense or feel right, and … yargh. And I need to figure out the big conspiracy plot/motivation/players/etc because I’m reaching a point where it’s got to start coming together and right now instead of edgy sharp moments I have a big puddle of wet noodles. Remind me…

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triumph. sort of.

I believe I’ve bashed this book into functional shape. Mostly, at least. The manuscript is 2 chapters and 2K shorter than it was before, which is a totally useless way of describing it, because it must have at least 30% new content, possibly more. The dead weight has been cut, wrong decisions by the author have been removed, and things I thought had to be that way turned out not to, so that was a lot of revising for only being 17k (now 15K) into the book. Now all I…

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i hate writing. :p

What is that saying, an author is someone who hates writing more than other people? Yeah. Like that. :p I’ve cut about 15 of the 45 pages I had on this stupid book, and probably have more or less figured out how to fix the next bit, which will return us to our regularly scheduled whatever, not that there’s been any regularly scheduled writing this year. (I said something about writing and my father, ingenuously, said, “Oh, writing? Is that what you do?” :/) On the positive side, I guess,…

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