I have in the past mentioned that one of the perks of my job is getting to read early manuscripts for upcoming books. Last year my friend and fellow Magical Words blogger DB Jackson asked if I might read his novel THIEFTAKER, which turned out to be a Revolutionary War era urban fantasy novel. I don’t *normally* send people emails while I’m reading their books, but I sent David at least two or three during the course of reading THIEFTAKER, saying things like “ACK YOU DID WHAT HOLY *CRAP* DUDE!”…
Tag: writing
random collection of things
So disappointed. The weather report promised fog today and I was hoping to go over to Glasnevin cemetery to take pictures, but no, it’s lashing rain. Maybe we’ll go to the last day of baby group instead. Bah. Did pilates yesterday morning. So out of shape I was sore by mid-afternoon, instead of it taking until this morning like decent soreness would. Finished the Daisani short story, “Betrayals”, for AFTERMATH! Daisani, apparently to no one’s surprise, is a real rat bastard. I love him. :) Now I’ve got one more…
Sanity prevails.
Sort of, anyway. Every once in a while* I must remind myself that I do not have to do All The Things All The Time. And sometimes I must say No Stop Don’t Take On Any More Projects, Because Otherwise Your Head Will Explode. So in a momentary fit of sanity prevailing, I declare myself full-up of projects for the next 18 months. Not taking any new ones on**. This does not, of course, include projects on proposal which may sell, or the ones you guys don’t yet know about,…
Today I’m going to start NO DOMINION revisions, and also doing busywork stuff for the epub like putting the (FOUR PAGE!) acknowledgements list together. o.O If you are a NO DOMINION subscriber, and have not filled out the survey which asks for addresses, names, and other moderately important things, you should go check the Kickstarter page to see if the survey link is there in your upper left hand corner, because the emails apparently didn’t all go through, and some 75 people haven’t answered yet. Janne and a couple other…
The Word War Room is three years old today. Since I’d hoped, when I started it, that it would last six months, I’m very proud of it, and I’m still so happy at how many people log in and use it regularly to help them focus and get work done. If you want to join the war room as a participant, the above link tells you what it is and how it works. You have to join the Toonowrimo community to get the password, which there is a link to…