Yesterday my brother in law defended the thesis he’s been working on for four years, and recieved his doctorate. There was a champagne party last night, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen my sister or her husband so ebulliant. Apparently his external examiner came in, sat down, said, “This is obviously a novel work, it is obviously worthy of a doctorate, now let’s discuss it. Page one!” and grilled Gavin for five and a half hours, a record for DCU doctorate defenses. Anyway, so we’re all completely thrilled and…
Tag: writing
so. tired.
I went out for tapas with YA author Sarah Rees Brennan last night, which was enormously fun. Hanging out with Sarah usually is. She tells stories exactly the same way she writes in her blog, and it’s very very funny, even when she’s talking about awful things. Or possibly especially when she’s talking about awful things. :) Anyway, we ordered one of everything on the menu (not really, but only because after we’d ordered six items the waiter said, “That’s enough, ladies. That’s a lot of food,” to which we…
Five Writing Things Make A Post
Thing One: Last year Laura Anne Gilman wrote a terrific series of essential things for the writer in your life to know. Now she’s compiled them into an e-book, so if you’re looking for the distilled wisdom of a former editor turned novelist, this is the place to go! Thing Two: I have not gotten “Twenty Years After”, the 3rd “No Dominion” Kickstarter story, out to patrons. Mea culpa. :( I have a few more edits to do on it, and the end of the month just somehow got away…
upcoming blog topics
Really, I have a list of things to write about and apparently no time. OTOH, I’ve reached 21K on “No Dominion”, so you can perhaps see where my efforts are going. This week I’ve seen both “Haywire” and “Shame”, both of which I’ll write a picoreview of soon. At the moment, all I’ll say is last summer I couldn’t remember or pronounce Michael Fassbender’s last name and now I’ve seen much more of him than I might ever have reasonably expected to. :) Walking down Henry Street (one of the…
Who do you write for?
In what could quickly become a recursive loop, Harry Connolly mentions a post by Nick Mamatas, and–look, the point is Harry’s post, not Nick’s, or even actually just a comment Harry made on his own entry, which was “I write with one or two actual readers in mind (as well as myself).” So of course I immediately started thinking about who I write for. And the answer (if not made obvious by my nerves over the book I wrote for my nephew) is “Me!” I mean, yes, I *clearly* hope…