probably says it all

In the War Room just now, Laura Anne said, “Kit, I am in awe, once again, at your mixture of productivity and total lack of self-preservation.” I suspect that says it all. Not that she should talk. :) I’m also kind of fond of this final line of the synopsis I’m currently working on: “and KERSPLODY is the final scene of the book” Sounds good, huh? :)

best. readers. *ever*.

You guys have blown my little tiny mind. The “Hot Time” commission closed out at over $1100, which is, uh. Well beyond my wildest expectations. It’s far and away the most I’ve ever been paid to write a short story (excepting “Ill Met by Moonlight“, which Harlequin bought from me lock, stock and barrel), and I’ll do my best to write you a very good story. For those who couldn’t participate this time, there’ll be an opportunity from November 7-30 to buy the story directly from me for $10 (or…

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TRUTHSEEKER revisions are turned in. The book is nearly 50 pages longer than it was, and probably still needs another twelve pages added in. I am going to spend the weekend watching movies, reading comics, and possibly catching up on some of my other reading. *tud* July Thinks To Do: – finish TRUTHSEEKER revisions – revisions for DEMON HUNTS – proposal for Walker Papers #6 – write “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight” – Chance graphic novel proposal – an essay or two for the Chance GN – getting…

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all sorts of thoughts

Bryant has got me thinking all sorts of thoughts now, with regards to not only sustainable funding models (I love that phrase. I could use it six times a day!), but also about direct marketing models and, tangently, Creative Commons Licensing. Essentially, a creative work licensed under CC is an open invitation to play in someone else’s sandbox. There are a variety of licenses available which offer lesser or greater opportunity to play. The most restrictive is a redistribute-only license; the least restrictive is “give me credit on this, and…

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Magical Words: who pays whom?

I’ve been doing what will, I imagine, turn into a four part series over on Magical Words, all prompted by a reader question “who pays whom?” Part one, discussing the editor/agent/author relationship and the differences between an editor and an editorial service, is here. Part two, discussing vanity presses, is here. I expect I’ll be talking about POD and ebooks over the next two weeks, and I’ll link to those later, maybe. For the moment, though, I thought I’d bring up what turned into a very long comment from the…

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