trying to find the zone

I fear today may be a day of many posts. I’m finding–not just today, when I’m trying to get JvC started, but in general–that I’m spending a great deal of time screwing around when I’m at Nook, my writing computer. It’s the moral equivalent of playing Solitaire all the time, although I don’t actually have any games on that computer anymore. But I blew through the last chapter of TRUTHSEEKER when I moved to the laptop, so I’m kind of thinking that perhaps I’m desperately in need of a change…

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synopsis of +2 to storytelling

Hm. Well, the original synopsis was some 1500 words. I’ve written another 2000, some of which obviously cover the same territory, but many of which are fresher thoughts and ideas and suggestions on how to wind things together and…it’s stronger than it was. Whether it’s enough to see me through a hundred thousand words without agony, I don’t know. I doubt it. :) On the other hand, at least I have a reasonably good idea of what I’m doing with chapter four, which I really had absolutely no idea of…

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what, was it too hard?

Was yesterday’s contest thingy too hard, or is everybody off doing non-internet-related things? V. few responses! Or maybe it’s just nobody’s read TQB… :) I’m going to go start work on the latest Walker Papers (which is currently untitled and will therefore be referred to as Jo Vs. The Cannibals until it gets a title) in a few minutes. “Start work” in this case may mean “going to go re-write the synopsis in much more detail, because it has occurred to me that the books that have gone most smoothly…

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TRUTHSEEKER is done, at 345 pages and some 81,500 words. That’s the 18th novel I’ve written. Dude. o.o

liveblogging the final chapter

I have done jack all today on this book. So I’m now going behind the cut tag and live-blogging the writing of the last chapter. I have no idea what this will entail. Wordcounts, I guess. For something more interesting, go read today’s interview with me over at Bitten By Books. There are 5 PRETENDER’S CROWN ARCs in the running for commentors, so go forth and participate. :)