thinks I’ve done

Today hasn’t been the blue blazes writing glory I hoped it would be after a week off. I’ve tapped out about 1700 words, and some of them came easily, but I still seem to have a sense of unease about the book. I’ve gotten a deadline extension to the 16th of March if necessary, so I’m not freaked out, just uncomfortable, and I’m going to print it out tonight and tomorrow’s work will be reading it (probably twice) and seeing about making Hard Choices. I just don’t feel like the…

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5K day

I woke up twenty seconds before the alarm went off, thought “Guess I’m ready for today,” and then at 7:14 drifted back out of sleep thinking “Augh, if I don’t get up right now I’m not going to accomplish the things I want to today!” So I got up and fed the cats and looked outside and there was a pretty decent moon out, so I spent almost half an hour taking pictures of it. Someday when I’m rich (very rich) I’ll have a 500mm lens with which to shoot…

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more like “seize”

I tried that exhale-and-pinch-your-belly-fat thing this morning. It was more like “seize” than “pinch”, I’m afraid… :) I’ve noticed that over the last week or so, after 3-4 weeks of Pilates, I am more inclined to sit and stand up straight, and that, especially the last few days, when I’m out walking I’m sucking my gut in more. I donno, I think maybe this might be good for me or something. We walked outside this morning to go to the gym, and there was a great golden moon hanging just…

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eke eke.

I have eked my way back past 40K on the book again. By about seventy words, but hey. miles to Dunharrow: 183.6 ytd wordcount: 38,100


Here is the utterly wonderful story of how S.C. Butler/ met Stan Lee.