5K day

I woke up twenty seconds before the alarm went off, thought “Guess I’m ready for today,” and then at 7:14 drifted back out of sleep thinking “Augh, if I don’t get up right now I’m not going to accomplish the things I want to today!” So I got up and fed the cats and looked outside and there was a pretty decent moon out, so I spent almost half an hour taking pictures of it. Someday when I’m rich (very rich) I’ll have a 500mm lens with which to shoot…

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more like “seize”

I tried that exhale-and-pinch-your-belly-fat thing this morning. It was more like “seize” than “pinch”, I’m afraid… :) I’ve noticed that over the last week or so, after 3-4 weeks of Pilates, I am more inclined to sit and stand up straight, and that, especially the last few days, when I’m out walking I’m sucking my gut in more. I donno, I think maybe this might be good for me or something. We walked outside this morning to go to the gym, and there was a great golden moon hanging just…

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eke eke.

I have eked my way back past 40K on the book again. By about seventy words, but hey. miles to Dunharrow: 183.6 ytd wordcount: 38,100


Here is the utterly wonderful story of how S.C. Butler/ met Stan Lee.

tricksy mumsy

I didn’t really plan to write today, but Mom tricked me into it. Or something. I still don’t know how I’m going to approach writing this week. I guess I’ll see how it pans out. *snickers* There was just an ad on TV talking about “Ireland’s fabulously wealthy”. I said to Ted, “I’d like to be fabulously wealthy.” Then, of course, I had to admit I had a very low bar as to what I’d consider fabulously wealthy. ‘Out of debt’ would do it. :) ytd wordcount: 33,600 ytd km…

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