I have to say, a daily word goal of 1500 words until the book is done is a whole lot less stressful than trying to write 3 or 5K or whatever a day in an attempt to get it done Faster. It’s possible I should consider that in the grand scheme of my career…. I don’t know if it’s the low-key wordcount goal or if it’s that I’m Very Determined to finish reading this series, but I’ve been reading Michelle West’s Sun Sword books. I read the first three a…
Tag: writing
Del Rey warned me Tuesday that proofs were on the way for PRETENDER’S CROWN and that they’re due back the 26th. I’m hoping they get here tomorrow, so I can hand them over to my parents and let them do the first couple rounds of proofing while I… …no, not work on TRUTHSEEKER, but instead do the line edits for WALKING DEAD that just turned up. I don’t have to have them back until February 2nd (some kind of record), but better to get them done sooner rather than later…
first words of the year
Well, the first words of the year have been committed. 1500 down, 268,500 to go. Also, I think my pedometer is under-counting my steps. *grumpy* ytd wordcount: 1500 miles to Dunharrow: 106.8
done. doneity done done *done*.
I have turned in “Cairn Dancer”, and I am bloody well done for the year. ytd wordcount: 360,000
Fantasy Medley
A FANTASY MEDLEY got a really *wonderful* review from Green Man Review, and, lost in admiration of all of us as writers, I went and re-read it, including my own “From Russia, With Love”. It is possible that this is my favorite thing I’ve ever written, edging out even RIGHT ANGLES TO FAERYLAND (though I rather expect that it might regain its top placing when I someday revise it). I really, really love this story. I usually generally like my own writing (which I choose to interpret as a good…