starting with chapter 3

The astute amongst you have noticed that I’ve got quite a number of work-related thinks to do for somebody who’s nominally on vacation. Foremost is writing the proposal (generally a synopsis (done now!) and 3 chapters) for the fifth Walker Papers novel. About a month ago while I was still working on book 4, I had an epiphany about the opening scene of the fifth book, so wrote it down. Today, trying to write chapter two and finding myself doing a lot of ungainly telling-not-showing, I realized that in fact…

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an important Seattle question

Has anybody been to the Space Needle recently? Does the tour guide still tell you that it’s height it something around 2000 Mars bars set end to end? Does anybody know the exact number? Yes, really, this *is* an important Seattle question… :) Okay. CAULDRON, whatever its title ends up being, has been delivered unto the editor. Who is, of course, out of the office today. She’s always out when I deliver things. :) And that’s about the sum total of what I know. It hasn’t been an exciting day.…

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I have just wrapped up CAULDRON BORNE (or whatever it’s going to be called) at an unusually short 103,000 words. This is the first time I’ve ever had a book come in short (the Walker Papers are supposed to be 110K), but it’ll no doubt grow a bit in revisions, and perhaps it coming in a little short makes up for PRETENDER’S CROWN being 180K. :) This means I am *officially* done with the last four years of Insane Writing Schedule. My next book is not due until JUNE 2009.…

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I have just reached THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND WORDS for the year. And now I am going to go watch the X-Files movie to celebrate! YAY! ytd wordcount: 300,100

a wash, or not

Today was, by all appearances, an utter wash. I slept really poorly and was too tired to think, so after sitting at the computer for an hour and writing 67 words (two of which were “CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE”), I went back to bed for two hours. I finally dragged myself back to the computer, not at all full of confidence, at a quarter after 3 this afternoon. I figured if I could get a thousand words done it’d be enough. Yesterday, after all, was a 6K day, so it’d even out…

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