So I didn’t go to tap class last week ’cause I didn’t feel good, and this week I went to the advanced class to do a make-up class. Oh my gawd. I am so not in good enough shape for that class. The studio is also a lot warmer than the one the beginning class is in, and 40 minutes into class I was relatively sure I was going to puke. But then one of the fifteen year olds started feeling pukey, and I couldn’t be as wussy as a fifteen year old (or something) and so I got a drink of water and worked through it.
I came out red-faced and panting and sweaty and told Ted I wasn’t in anything like good enough shape for that class, and he said, cheerily, “So you’ll be going back, then.”
Well. Yeah, probably. :)
miles to Lothlorien: 345
On the plus side, if you keep going, you’ll GET in shape for it much more quickly than if you don’t. Besides, you made it. You were exhausted, but you still made it! That’s a good sign.