ted’s arm

Ted’s arm is indeed broken. It’s a very clean break in the larger bone of the lower arm, right at the wrist (essentially, the point of that bone broke off). It wasn’t in any way misaligned or problematic; the only issue was that just before Ted got to the hospital, an Army truck rolled over and an entire truckful of Army boys came in to have their necks and backs X-rayed, just in case. (They were all fine.) So Ted ended up sitting and waiting for about six hours before they got to X-ray and cast him. He’s pretty worn out, poor guy.

Anyway, what happened was he looked over at the other seat, or was getting an sandwich or changing a CD or something, and he came up over a hill and there was a car in front of him stopped in the lane, waiting to turn, and he slammed on the breaks and, being an American, swerved to the right and therefore crashed into the front of their van as they turned. Had he been Irish, he’d have presumably swerved to the left and gone into the hedge, but he’s not. Airbags exploded (singeing the hair on his wrist and sending his sandwich All Over The Place) and we don’t know if the car was left driveable or not, but everybody in the other vehicle was okay and Ted’s wrist is broken but he’s otherwise okay. Thank you all for your sympathies and well-wishes and everything. I’ll pass them on to Ted (who is currently trying to get a little more rest in the hotel room before we take a very long train trip back to Cork).

I forgot to mention that Friday, while visiting a friend, Seirid got into some ant poison. Blee. He’s okay, too; they rushed him off to the hospital where they kept him under watch for 12 hours (and then couldn’t get a doctor to discharge them for several hours after that, so they ended up leaving the hospital at 10am or so Saturday morning.

It has *not* been a good week.

This is my 3000th MoveableType (formerly Greymatter) journal entry.

miles to Mount Doom: 429

8 thoughts on “ted’s arm

  1. Miss you for one day and look what happens! Hope Ted is feeling better. Have a safe trip.

  2. Jeez, what a topic for such a milestone. Speedy recovery to Mr. Ted. Poor Seirid. When it rains, it poors, huh? *hugs* Sorry about the bad week. :(

  3. Best of wishes to both of the boys for speedy recoveries. When bad weeks happen, good ones are bound to follow to keep the balance.

  4. Rough week…but its a new one now. Hopefully things go better!

    My thoughts are with you all…hope there are no more unexpected “surprises”.

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