Ted and I just finished watching Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles, which my friend
And then it got cancelled. I swear if I’d had the, oh, you know, twenty million the Terminator franchise was selling for a couple years ago I’d have gotten all the writers back together and given them a third season, because wow, I want to know where they were going, and not many TV shows leave me wanting that. Farscape did, but it’s the only one I can think of off the top of my head besides this one.
Also, just for the record, “Sarah Connor Chronicles” is remarkablyhard to say. I keep saying “Sarah Chronner Conicles”. :)
Unrelated except for being about a TV show, I have a question about the last episode of season 5 Supernatural! Behind the cut, so it won’t be spoiled for anyone who hasn’t seen it,
No, seriously, Kate, don’t read this. Because it’s too big a spoiler and you don’t want to know.
You’re still reading, aren’t you.
I told you not to read this!
No, dammit, I can’t trust you’re not reading it, I have to wait until you’ve seen the season before I can ask the question!