That Length

My hair has reached That Length again. That Length is the one where it’s suddenly too long and too thick to tuck behind my ears without it just falling loose again right away. That Length is where the only thing I can stand to do is put it in a ponytail or a headband or back in some fashion, which inevitably causes me to say, “Well, if all I’m doing with it is putting it in a ponytail, why shouldn’t I just cut it off? That’d be a lot easier.” That Length is several inches before it’ll stay behind my shoulders, assuming it’ll even do that, which I donno because I haven’t had long straight hair since I was 11 years old. (20 years ago!) The last time I had long hair, ten years ago, it was permed, and I don’t particularly remember it staying behind my shoulders then, although it probably did.

On the other hand, if I cut it now, I will never have satisfactorily long Rogue hair when X3 comes out. I know, I know. I’m such a geek. It is the thought of proper Rogue hair at X3 which has prevented me from cutting it *this* far. Let’s see how long that lasts.

‘course, you know, if I hadn’t cut it several times, it’d all be the length of the anime flips (as Flit calls the longer stripey bits) and it probably *would* stay behind my shoulders. Bitter dredges, I tell you. Bitter!

I’ve been having a little fit of book-arranging. The TBR shelves are much tidier and more organized now, and the As and Bs on the other shelves are, if not alphabetized, at least in their proper locations at the beginning of the shelves. It is possible that for my next trick I’ll go put the Cs in place. It’s equally possible that I’ll read one more book (17 since last Sunday) and go for another little walk with the dorgy.

miles to Lothlorien: 12

2 thoughts on “That Length

  1. If it helps, I always put my nearly waist-length hair back sometime. Get over the guilt of that so you can have long Rogue hair!

  2. Just get it texturized (thinned) out and it will help some. Tehn get kewl barrettes until it gets long enough to tuck behind your ears. ;o)

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