the astute…

The astute among you will notice that it is once more past midnight and I am once more up and posting. *snorts at self* The con doesn’t start til 10. Maybe I can sleep in a bit. :)

I got to meet and hang out with Juliet McKenna and Charlie Stross, the latter of whom was accompanied by Feorag and Fluff Cthulu, whose mission in life is to eat people’s brains (a kindred spirit, Trip!), and say, “Shit,” in admiring disgust at the story of how Paul Cornell got to write comics, a story which 1. I will relate later, when there has been more sleep, and 2. he said, “I know, that’s what I kept saying!” happily when I said, “Shit,” about it, and briefly met Susannah Clarke and Leah Moore, and less briefly, Colin Greenland, who looked pleasantly surprised when I said, “Oh yes, I know who you are,” upon being introduced to him; PNH commented on my Joss Whedon is my master now t-shirt, and I apparently came in just a moment too late to participate in a Joss discussion, but maybe another one will start up; and there was a very long discussion about writers and cats and exchanges of cat stories, and I staggered out around 10:30 and yet somehow it is still 12:30 when I’m posting this and by God I’m going to bed now. -.-

(In other words, that was a lot of fun, and it was just hanging out the evening before the con!)

(Also, I have really cool friends; both Jess and Silkie gave me a bunch of URLs for the kinds of t-shirts I’m looking for. Thank you both. *beam*)

miles to Mount Doom: 426

1 thought on “the astute…

  1. Yes, but did you get Stross’s brain for me, like I asked so nicely with big cute eyestalks like this: O–.—O ?

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