The best laid plans o’ mice an’ men gang aft a-gley.
So we are not going to Europe in May, because doing so was contingent on the retention bonus. Nor will I be going to any conferences this summer, for precisely the same reason. If anyone I know would like to go to Writer’s Weekend, I’ve got a registration paid for and there are no refunds, so I’ll either sell it to you (there’s already a break in the price, as I’m a WW alumni) or if you can make a very fine argument, just give it to you as a scholarship fund.
However, since the closest thing we’ve had to a vacation alone together in the 8 years we’ve been married was a weekend in Vancouver 5 years ago, Ted and I are goddamned well going on vacation anyway. Tickets to Hawaii are very cheap right now, so we’re going to Hawaii for 10 days, which will cost many thousands of dollars less than the Europe trip and should be plenty of fun. Neither of us have ever been, which is kind of amazing, because Ted’s been to like 42 states, and I’m an Alaskan, so by rights I should’ve gone there like eight times by now. :)
The weather is improving by leaps and bounds, or at least by degrees and hours, but the trails are not yet clear enough to bike on. I know it’s only the 11th of April, but I wanna get out on the trails! Snivel! Still, I managed to walk 4 miles yesterday and bike 10, so it can’t be all that bad, really.
Mmm. And I have successfully made a new loaf of soda bread, and I think I’ve finally got the amount of time it really needs to cook so there aren’t any squishy parts down. I’ve been increasing it by a couple minutes at a time, and it appears that 40 is the magic number. Although really, it ought to be 42.
1500 or so words so far today. I think I might go write some more and finish up this chapter. That’d be good. :) Also, Ted fixed the washer, so I think I’ll go do some laundry. Real live wire, me. :)
miles to Hobbiton: 27.9
miles to Rauros Falls: 137
Go enjoy Hawaii! My wife and I went a couple of Christmases ago (she has some family on the big island), and it was fabulous. A few days on Oahu being tourists, a few more days on the big island being a little less touristy, and a good time was had by all — well, by us, anyway.
Christmas week, and people were on the beach — it made it pretty clear why people move to Hawaii.
Too bad about the European vacation, but yay for the Hawaiian one! In a couple of years, you might also want to check out Costa Rica (sp?). I know several people that have gone to both places and say that Costa Rica is just as nice as Hawaii, but much cheaper.
Kuaui (sp) is /gorgeous/. Definitely go there while in Hawaii. :)
Kauai ( is, in fact, gorgeous and fantastic and happens to be where Laura and I spent our honeymoon. So, go there. I can even recommend a place for pancakes which is open late.