I’ve been off sugar for a month and I’ve lost 21.5 pounds. :)
Strangely, 18.5 of that has been in the past week. Even more strangely: I have never in my life been less interested in sweets. I’m having a hard time eating enough anyway, due to sheer exhaustion, but wow, really honestly just not interested in junk. Who am I and what have I done with my tastebuds?
Mom was telling me she was reading about post-partum exhaustion, which apparently affects 80% of new mothers. Not depression, just flat-out exhaustion. That’s where I am. I’m not depressed, I’m just too goddamned tired to do anything but sleep, eat, and feed Henry. Thank God for Ted, who is keeping everything together. He has become a master diaper changer, and is much better at changing Henry’s clothes than I am. He has been keeping me fed, and doing laundry by the boatload, and keeping the kitchen pretty clean, and generally being the most magnificent husband ever. I’m a mess anyway, but I’d be completely non-functional without him.
Um. Being a novelist, it is of course my inclination to write up a detailed account of the past two weeks. Being exhausted, I’m not sure I’ll actually manage that. The short version of the actual labor process is Ted said, “I’d rather have a limb removed.” I think he meant without anesthesia.
The slightly longer version is I apparently had one of those nightmare labors women scare other women with, although I really didn’t think of it that way until it was revealed that my sister, who is slightly more fit than God, had no idea how I’d endured it all. Actually, I still am not thinking of it that way, except I’m impressed with myself for having impressed Deirdre. It’s just sort of how it was. Anyway, I started having contractions the evening of Thursday the 22nd (the actual due date), more or less didn’t sleep the next few nights, my water broke at 7:30am Monday the 26th, we spent the day at the hospital where I dilated only very, very slowly, they put me on a pitocin drip around 6 or 7pm, ratcheted it up to full over the course of the next few hours (during which time the delivering doctor wandered by and said, more or less, “Jesus but she’s got a high pain tolerance,” only with an Indian accent and phrasing), and I finally had a baby at 2:41am on Tuesday the 27th.
Mom, cheerfully, said, “The good thing about that kind of labor is it makes the next time you do it seem like a breeze!” I said, “Next time?” and she claimed I’ve said something about ‘next time’ several times already. I have no recollection of this at all. :) In fact, I have very little recollection of a whole lot of the past two weeks, and am impressed I’ve managed to write this much up. Now I’m going to go eat.
You know.. I hear that letting all knitters in your life know about babies well enough in advance to have something knit for the tot by the time it’s time for the tot to pop out help makes the popping out much easier!
I went in labor at 3 am on Wednesday, had the kid at noon on Friday. Contractions 5 min apart the whole time and, since I wasn’t dilating fast enough, – and we didn’t have insurance for the delivery – the hospital kept sending us home. It SUCKED. While not as long and exciting as yours, I can relate. Many {{HUGGS}}