things i must do!

The Irish Open, a Masters swim club championship meet, is the first weekend of May in Cork. I must remember to go to that. I would enjoy it a lot.

Plodding away (or plotting away) on the book. Tomorrow’s a day off, since it’s volunteer day, and realistically speaking I won’t get anything done so I might as well not feel guilty about it. :) Maybe the day off will give me time to figure out what I’m doing, too, which would be helpful.

The whole book is going through a ripple effect. Minor changes begetting more significant ones begetting major ones. I’m reaching the major changes stage, and trying to figure out how to make it all work makes my brain throb. (wum, wum, wum.) I’m pretty certain I have to throw out the entire next two chapters wholesale and write a dozen new scenes that do exactly the same things that the original ones did, only totally differently. o.O

miles to Minas Tirith: 98
ytd wordcount: 70,500
sekrit number: 3.75

8 thoughts on “things i must do!

  1. the first weekend of May in Cork. I must remember to go to that.

    If the first weekend of May in Cork is the same as the first weekend of May everywhere else (*cheesy grin*), this would make *next* weekend the first weekend of May.

    Just sayin’… that had to be pointed out to me yesterday. May is next week. Yish.

  2. I’m still working on “next weekend” being the last one of April. Don’t rush me! :)

  3. Dueling red&black boob shirts!

    I thought the accepted terms were that “this” week referred to the current calendar week through Sunday and “next” week referred to the week following, beginning Monday.

    So “this” Thursday refers to April 26 while “next” Thursday is May 4. And this weekend would be April 28-29 while next weekend is May 5-6? Isn’t that right?

    My head is spinning…

  4. “I’m pretty certain I have to throw out the entire next two chapters wholesale and write a dozen new scenes that do exactly the same things that the original ones did, only totally differently.”

    Made me literally, LOL

  5. This would be why I used “the first weekend of May” rather than “next weekend”. I thought it cleared up any possible doubt. :)

  6. I’m sorry, really. But listen, the fact that you are a successful writer with the pain of homework, is funny to me. WHY you ask? Because I can’t even get a whole story written. I’ve been working on the same story for two years and I’m afraid to actually count that out in case it’s longer. So I just keep saying two years. My best work so far has been fanfiction, which personally is ok for me, but at the same time NOT marketable. So, yes, I get practice, but I can’t submit my practice to a magazine or anywhere else. And my original work just isn’t at the same literary level. Something about established character formatting is really helpful in the solid prose area. So I have fanfic that makes people cry and original stories that bore me to tears.

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