thinks to do today

Incidentally, I only read WIZARD OF EARTHSEA, and didn’t like it much, and that twenty years ago, so I have absolutely no grounds for disliking “Legends” except it was really bad. *nodnod* :)

Thinks to do today, in order of importance:
1. US edits
2. ch 6
3. laundry
4. post chapters
5. go to eye appointment

I feel sort of blorgy this morning. Blorg!

1 thought on “thinks to do today

  1. I didn’t like the Earthsea trilogy at all twenty years ago either, just about the single person in norwegian fandom who didn’t, it seemed. But I reread the (quartet? quadrology?) recently, and it has improved immensely. That last book did all the difference, putting right some of the stupid stuff from the first book about weak and wicked women. Wonder what had gotten into UlG when she wrote that one…

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