Oveall, going to see “The Weather Man” was probably not the best thing I could’ve done the day I learned my grandmother died. I mean, it’s an all right movie, but not nearly as funny as I hoped, and much more morbid than I expected. It wasn’t all *that* morbid, but more than I expected. Shoulda gone out with Mom and Dad to sit on the babies. Oh well.
Thank you to everyone who’s expressed condolences. I appreciate it greatly. Grandma was old (almost 90) and ready to go, and apparently it was very peaceful, so that’s all to the good. We’re still waiting to find out when exactly the memorial service will be, though the Ireland contingent of the family put in for Tuesday next, as it would be marginally easier/cheaper to get to Seattle by then instead of by this weekend. Grandma expressed wishes for her service to be held at the church she used to go to, and we don’t know that it could be arranged by the weekend anyway, but there doesn’t seem to be a feeling of This Must Happen Right Now about it, so that’s good. My aunt Kathy called the church when Grandma started failing, and they said to call as soon as she died and they’d help to arrange a time, but of course they couldn’t arrange one beforehand.
This conversation led to my mother and father and I sitting around saying things like, “Well, Saturday would be convenient,” in a deadpan voice; “If she hasn’t gone by then we’ll have to do something about it.” And then I said, “I’m not dead yet!” and, “I feel better!”, which made us all laugh very hard and agree that we were very sick people. :)
There has been, incidentally, no indication that Grandma had a preference as to who was to inhale her ashes.
Belated condolences, too, I’m sorry for your loss. I hope all goes well with the arrangements.