I got another Pilates book today. Like nearly every book I’ve seen, the first exercises are just Too Goddamned Hard if you’re a Pilates novice, and there are no suggestions on how to work up to them. The only place I’ve found a beginner’s workout suitable to an actual beginner is on the Weight Watchers site, where I actually think it’s worth signing up for their two-week free trial thing to get access to the workout, if you’re interested in a ground-level start point. (I know I said a long time ago I’d post one, but that’s the one I’d post, and apparently I feel it’s vaguely immoral to cut and paste the whole thing into a blog posting but am too lazy to modify it.) Anyway, the book has stuff that’s perfectly useful for me right now, but honestly, if I were to pick it up and try the first set of workouts, I would then proceed to die in a pit and never go near Pilates again. This doesn’t seem like an especially good selling tactic, to me.
I also got a yoga DVD. The only question now is when to work Pilates and yoga in to my schedule. Which, at the moment, is pretty much:
7am-10am: get up. Go to gym. Swim. Walk home. Eat breakfast.
10am-12pm: Write.
12-1pm: Lunch
1pm-4:30pm: Write
4:30pm-7pm: Eat dinner. Attempt to re-grow brain.
7pm-9pm: Copy edits.
9pm-11pm: Wind down.
Really, probably during lunch is the best time to put in a 20 or 30 minute Pilates or yoga workout, since mostly I’ve been spending half an hour eating and half an hour doing something else during that time. And by evening, believe me, I am in No Mood For It. So it should probably be during lunch, and I should probably make some effort tonight to watch at least one of the DVDs in order to have a bit more feel for the workout before I try it. Because there is No Time Like The Present to get it going.
(No, I’m not trying to kill myself with exercise. I just really need the flexibility achieved with yoga or Pilates or dance. Swimming is awesome, but that’s one thing it doesn’t achieve. And the posture work won’t hurt one little bit at all, either.)
Speaking of swimming, the auld shoulder’s acting up today. The pool was also very warm. I don’t know if there’s a correlation.
The bike tent arrived today, which means stage two of rearranging the house will probably commence this weekend. Cooli-cooli-o, as my sister used to say. Heck. She might still. Who knows?
It is apparently Snowpocalypse in Dublin, which is a shame, as my parents are meant to fly out to Madrid tomorrow. I hope they’ll be able to!
There were Many Errands to run this afternoon, so I quit writing at 2500 words. With Monday’s excess, this only puts me 300 behind schedule for the week, so I should be okay to finish up on point by Friday.
Going to do copyedits now. KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!
The Road Home: miles to Isengard: 26.6
ytd km swum: 3
ytd wordcount: 12,900