tired. getting there. sick.

Tired. got the necessary chapters revised appropriately. got the next one started. brain gave up eventually, but tomorrow should go reasonably well.

can’t really go to bed yet, because my back hurts a great deal if i’m in bed for more than about 8 hours, so unless i plan to get up at 4am, which i do not, i gotta stay up another couple hours. sadly, ran out of law & order reruns (is that even possible?) so the evening of vegging out in front of the tv got shot to hell. sad.

*freezing* cold. got a fuzzy blanket and am hiding under it, which helps some, but man. i’m really ready for this cold to be over with. :p

actually, despite illness (and it’s one of those frustrating illnesses where i’m not really sick enough to be useless, just sick enough to feel nasty without lying in bed being justified), it’s been a nice day. i got up early and got a fair amount of revising done, and then we wandered over to borders and hither and yon before coming home so i could make cookies before gaming. only it turned out there was no gaming, so Ted came back with the cookies and we brought some over to Christopher and Young and the rest over to Mom & Dad’s, where Maggie and her husband Louie are staying. I ate one and it was very nice, but it was also all I needed.

miles to Rauros Falls: 12 (yay! double digits!)
ytd wordcount: 42,400