today i have to….

bring the coat to Mom (& not get blown away doing it)
take chicken out for dinner
work more on the Gary story*
– remember it’s okay, even desireable, to eat apples & grapes for snacks instead of other stuff
– pilates

*struggling here, as my plan was to use this story as the “Here! Here’s your instantaneous reward for funding the Kickstarter campaign, landing in your mailbox the moment the campaign ends!” thing, but because it’s the story of Gary and Jo meeting from Gary’s point of view and basically a teaser story for flavor crystals because I *cannot* use part of the actual novella as a teaser (or at least certainly not the first part of it, hrm), and because, well, we’ve all already *read* Gary and Jo meeting, even if not from his POV, now I’m wondering if I should just use the whole thing as a teaser and write something else for the reward story, but that’s starting to get to be A Lot More Work. Aghl. OTOH, I have about 8 weeks to do it in…)

Speaking of the Kickstarter campaign, I have sorted out the reward levels, which will be as follows unless somebody makes a very good argument for a new or different level:

There’s a sharp jump between $10 and $30, I know, but at the $30 mark is where I start sending things out, and I am simply rolling S&H into the cost of the donation.

$5: a DRM-free e-book of NO DOMINION (.mobi, .pdf, .epub, pod) & your name in the acknowlegments

$10: as above, & an additional short story

$30: as above, & a bookmark featuring the NO DOMINION cover art

$65: as above, & a behind-the scenes chapbook of the NO DOMINION cover art photo shoot signed by CE Murphy, photographer Kyle Cassidy & (probably) model Charles “The Hunk” Summerfield

$100: as above, & a 9×12″ print of the NO DOMINION cover art signed by CE Murphy, photographer Kyle Cassidy & (probably) “Gary” model Charles “The Hunk” Summerfield

$200: as above, & a copy of the CE Murphy 2012 Dublin photographic calendar

$500 (Limited Reward): As above, and your name as one of the characters in either NO DOMINION or one of the companion short stories

$2000 (Limited Reward): As above, & a Walker Papers short story just for you, featuring any supporting character of your choice, to be produced in a signed chapbook limited edition of one.

$3500 (Limited Reward): As above, & NO DOMINION will be dedicated to you, what with you having funded most of it.

$5000 (Limited Reward): As above, & I will sing “You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings” to you in person within one calendar year. If this is not feasible, I will live stream the same from Temple Bar (ie, public location) & send you a personalized copy of the video.

Rollover points:
If the campaign breaks $6000, I will write a second Gary short story for all patrons subscribing at $10 or more.

If the campaign breaks $8000, I will do a unique calendar for all patrons subscribing at $30 or more. A digital/desktop version will be provided for patrons subscribing at under $30.

If the campaign breaks $12,000, I will do a signed limited trade paperback edition of NO DOMINION, inclusive of the short stories, to be made available to all patrons, and included automatically for all patrons donating at $100 or more.

High-end rollover points:
If the campaign breaks $15,000, I will write another Garrison Report novella for all patrons subscribing at $10 or more, delivery date at my discretion, or:

If the campaign reaches between $20-25,000, I will write a third Garrison Report novella for all patrons subscribing at $10 or more, or:

If the campaign breaks $30,000, I’ll write all patrons subscribing at $10 or more a whole damned novel of their own, subject & delivery date at my discretion.

To clarify the last: in the wildly unlikely event the amount hits $30K there will not be 3 novellas and 1 novel. There will be 1 novella and 1 novel. Just want to be sure that’s clear. :)

2 thoughts on “today i have to….

  1. Woohoo, looks good to me. Rewards are just gravy. :D Now to decide how much I can contribute…

  2. I also think that all sounds wonderful. You’ll announce here when the Kickstarter campaign actually starts right? I’ll go on the record here stating that if I win the state lottery I’ll fund the whole damn thing!

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