
*mumbles* Tomorrow, I’m going to start HOUSE OF CARDS…

Well, today I’m at least going to finish reading HoS and do a little bit of fiddly stuff on HoC, anyway. I slept like the dead for about 10 hours last night and feel much better. And it is an really beautiful day, so if I don’t get a lot done on writing but do get outside to walk the dog and exercise a little I’ll consider it a win.

OH HEY LOOK I GOT BOOKS! Copies of FIREBIRD DECEPTION arrived in the mail! Aren’t I all chipper and enthusiastic now!

16 thoughts on “…tomorrow…

  1. Lovely, lovely weather here too. If I’d worked at home I’d happily have spent it walking the dog. Even if I don’t have one :)

  2. I have in fact gotten out and walked the dog. I feel very proud of myself. :)

  3. Yes, curse it.

    Ok, what is it, did you just say to the universe, “PLEASE FOR TO GIVE ME ALL THE COOLEST ICONS K THX BYE!” or something? Because pretty much every time I see one of your icons I’m all, “I WANT THAT ONE!” :)

  4. When you are racking up 5K word counts, I’m making icons. *g*

  5. In fairness, the Animal one was Laura Anne’s idea. I just made it.

  6. *laughs out loud, then laughs again at *this* icon* I obviously need to just go sit down and go through all your icons for the giggle factor. :)

  7. This is my favorite of the lot. Though the Farscape/Leonard Cohen one comes close.

  8. Mrrr. Yeah. I’ve watched this one lustfully any number of times. :)

  9. Hee. The quote is actually from I Spy. Amusingly, the episode in which Greg Morris (aka Barney Collier from Mission:Impossible guest stars.

    I thought it was just fantastic. And Robert Culp delivers that little speech in this kind of skying, barely-restrained thing that he does where it sound like he’s either going to cry, laugh, or kill you in about half a second…


    Robert Culp is the voice of ‘s Felix….

  10. *droools over the Animal icon* OHMIGOD, I so need this one!!!

    do you let people use them? With proper crediting? Please? :)

    Seriously, this one is awesome.

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