Truthseeker give-away

Okay, the random number generated winners of TRUTHSEEKER, drawn from the pool of people who bought into the “Year of Miracles” commission, have been notified, and their books will go into the mail soonest, as will the books for the 15oth and 175th and did I say I’d send one to the 136th or something too? I’ll check and do that if I said I would. :)

Thinks to do today:
– clean fridge
– nap
– vacuum living room
– place grocery order
shop for baby hats & pjs
attempt to introduce order to the master bedroom
– pack up books to send
go for a walk ’cause it seems lovely out!

Tomorrow I must remember to go to the Twitter writer thing, assuming Young Indiana is awake at an appropriate time for me to leave the house, and Thursday is coffee with Brian and Friday I should really try to find that toddler’s group…

How can my life be so *busy*? o.O

1 thought on “Truthseeker give-away

  1. I am SO disappointed that I didn’t find your blog until right after your commision had closed. Each time you mention it, I get a pang of despair (sigh). Have my Truthseeker and loved it. Actually, have 2 – Amazon doesn’t warn you if you pre-order a book, they suggest it and you pre-order it again 6 weeks later. A lucky friend will get the 2nd brand new copy. Do get that Year of Miracles published quickly for those of us who missed the deadline.

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