Turkish rights!

I am ridiculously pleased to announce that I’ve finally had my first foreign rights sale, and that URBAN SHAMAN will be coming out in Turkey! I don’t know when yet, but I’m totally delighted and when I know more you will too! :)

Also, Fred and I have finished the ElectriCity synopsis, and holy crap, it’s going to be good. I mean, there’s some heartbreaking stuff going on in this here superhero comic (and some brilliant big-picture fights, and not a small amount of both those things at the same time), and I’m genuinely excited about making the mad rush toward trying to get it actually published. I’m gonna try pounding out the first chapter in the next couple days here, and if things go *exceedingly* smoothly with that, I may be starting our artist search as soon as Monday.

God Dam, sez I! God Dam!

1 thought on “Turkish rights!

  1. HURRAY for the Urban Shaman sale. I am currently listening to Thunderbird Falls and it rocks! Congrats on getting the ElectriCity synopsis finished. The whole thing sounds brilliant!

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