Jesus flipping Christ. I only wrote 265K *total* last year. I will be well past that by *June* this year. Jesus flipping Christ.
Oh, also? THE PRETENDER’S CROWN is done. I’ve still got to rewrite the prologue per editor request, which is tomorrow’s job, but the last chapters and the epilogue are finished. 724 pages. 179,500 words. Holy *jeez*.
I only got about 70 pages of AAs done, though, which means I’m going to have to go downstairs and work on them this evening, at least until I’m so bored with it I fall asleep.
Ted has made pork & beans in the crock pot today, so dinner will be wonderful. And I had a nice lunch with Myles and Kate, and…now it’s time to go back to work.
ytd wordcount: 200,400
miles to Minas Tirith: 404.8
whoa! congrats!
This will be no comfort at all, but if you do the math that’s only, like, 1500 words a day. If you write every single day, that much. Which is still crazy, by the way.
Congrats on finishing TPC!!!! Yay!!! :)