Monorail Panda isn’t going anywhere on Monday.
Kitsnaps: Blarney
Blarney Town is lovely. I’d like to go back there sometime, actually, and take more pictures (I have millions of the castle/grounds. :)).
Kitsnaps: Irish Serengeti
Taken at Fota Wildlife Park in Cork, which is really utterly fabulous and you should go. :)
Kitsnaps: Ivy Gravestone
This is the first photograph I took with a digital SLR, in January 2006. I’d bought the camera (the Nikon D50 that recently died) on eBay and had to have it shipped to a friend in the US, because reasons. He thought I was batshit. insane. for having bought a thousand dollar camera kit. Absolutely […]
Kitsnaps: Ring Road
Taken in the west of Cork, on the road to Bantry. Or rather, on a side road that we followed up into the hills because they claimed there would be a standing stone ring up there somewhere. There was–the cover of NO DOMINION features them in the background–but Ted was the only one brave enough/wearing […]