Glasnevin Cemetery

Kitsnaps: Glasnevin Cemetery

I like this one because I kinda feel like it could’ve been taken any time in the past century. What I *can’t* decide is if I like it better in black and white or sepia, so the sepia version is behind the cut so you can have an opinion. :)

O'Connell Monument

Kitsnaps: O’Connell Monument

This is going to be Glasnevin Cemetery week at Kitsnaps. I would vastly prefer to mix it up, but given that I *am* running low on the pre-sorted stuff, I thought that giving myself a week to work up a bunch of new pictures for posting might be clever. (Actually, I’ve loads prepped, but they’re […]


Kitsnaps: Fainleog

If I really had my act together I’d print some of these boat photographs and bring them down to Cobh and give them to the people whose boats they are.

Frosty Cross

Kitsnaps: Frosty Cross

This particular picture is a lesson in why one should not delete all the files one is unimpressed with right away. I was totally not impressed with this picture immediately after taking it and checking it on my computer. A few years later I went back and found it again and wondered what the hell […]

Godslight on Cobh Harbour

Kitsnaps: Godslight on Cobh Harbour

I’m reaching the end of the really-easy-to-access Kitsnaps I’ve got stored up. I will clearly have to actually spend some time getting things ready for more posts in the near future, or I’ll drop this ball and that would make me sad. I’ve done so well for what, two months now? :)