I love photographing graveyards, especially if there’s some kind of Weather going on. Sunrise turned out to be good Weather at the old graveyard in Athy, Co Kildare, Ireland. Best of all, it was January, so sunrise wasn’t even at, er, the crack of dawn… :)
Kitsnaps: Ivy Gravestone
This is the first composed photograph I took with my Nikon D50 DSLR camera when I bought it in January 2006, just after we moved to Ireland. The next several photographs will all be from early 2006, and all taken in Athy, Co Kildare, where we first lived. I’m very fond of this one, though; […]
Kitsnaps: Zoo Day
Yesterday it was a glorious morning and on the way to preschool Young Indiana said to me, “We should go to the zoo after school on this beautiful day!” That seemed like a very sensible thing to do, so after school I collected him and we hopped on the bus to, er, actually, to go […]
Kitsnaps: St Patrick’s Church, Dundalk
“The Church of St. Patrick is a very large Roman Catholic church,” says Wikipedia. Yes. Yes it is. :) This is St Pat’s in Dundalk, up near the border, and it’s really rather ridiculously splendid. I could have spent a quite considerable amount of time trying to get some really good pictures of it, and […]
Kitsnaps: Botanic Gardens Hailstorm
Last Friday Young Indiana and I went out to the Botanic Gardens and got caught in a rain-and-hailstorm. It was great fun, actually, and involved a lot of running from one hiding place to another, playing keep-safe games and dancing. I had my camera, having intended to pursue my self-directed photography ‘classes’ some more, although […]