unexpectedly good!

Yesterday was an unexpectedly good writing day. Ted took on the role of Primary Caregiver (which he’s very good about doing at the weekends so I can work), and in a desperate bid to not get further behind on Nano, I wrote 1800 words on it in the morning. Then, because Faith was due back from holidays today, I scrambled to try finishing “Easy Pickings” in the afternoon so she could have a look at it and we could maybe get that baby out into the world.

And lo, I blew through 2500 words and wrapped it up! It needs polish, but we’ve got a pretty solid 120 page novella done now, and I think you guys will enjoy it. :)

Then I still had about 40 minutes before I needed to head home, so I thought “well, hell, I should work on Nano some more,” and to my astonishment I got another thousand words written on it. That pushed me to about 5500 words for the day, *way* more than I expected (though right about what I hoped for), and this morning’s writing has thus far brought me past 30K on Nano and less than 3K 700 words behind. I may actually catch up!

…and maybe get ahead during the week, because we’re having Thanksgiving this weekend, so I’m not going to get much writing done over the weekend.

Like I forget not eating sugar makes me feel better, I also forget how much better I feel when I get my words done first thing in the morning. I really should get up at 5 when Ted does, and write. Hear that, Self? You should do that.

thinks to do by 21 Nov
– approximately 33.5K on the Ilialiad
– chapter 2 of ElectriCity (caught up on NNWM means some brain cells to dedicate there, so woot!)
– get the Dublin calendar sorted
finish the “Easy Pickings” draft

2 thoughts on “unexpectedly good!

  1. Wow, what a productive day! And yay on Easy Pickings! So looking forward to that one.

  2. Excellent word count day!! I too write the most productively first thing in the morning. It’s the getting UP that is so difficult.

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