I’d make a cut, but I don’t know how with WordPress. :) Anyway, fingers are lots better this morning, the swelling is down a lot, the bruising has turned from black to somethng much purplier, which you can’t tell from this photo, which makes them look like zombie fingers, I think. :)
I am typing a bit faster today with my 8-finter (well, 7, really, since I never use my left thumb anyway) hunt and peck, but there is no way I am going to work at Nook. That keyboard, presented here, for those of you who haven’t seen it, is not at all friendly to inept typing. So I’ll go write Chance on the Dana today and if I’m terribly good I’ll finish the script. Not counting on that, but it’d be nice.
*trundles off*
Gak! That’s *improved*? Poor, poor Catie. I wince in pain just looking at it.
Hm. It looks almost like you were playing with paint and it didn’t all wash off, or some strange coal dust. Yes, that’s what it looks like. Coal dust smudged all over your fingers.
Good luck accomplishing Stuff!
poor hand! poor you!
cuts in wp are made with a tag
ack! it dorked my tag!
open parenthesis
close parenthesis
you poor thing! there’s no need to have blue hands just because you have red hair!
I think bus drivers have bets on how many people they can propel the full length of the bus when they least expect it.
I am agog at your weekly word count too you put me to shame!