variety of stuff

Went to the chiro yesterday and got crunched, which was good, but I think overall that painting the fence doesn’t much agree with my back. I’m going to go to the Yoga For Weenies class tonight if it’s still tonight and if I find out what time it’s at. However, the first side of the fence is done. I ran out of stain, unsurprisingly, and we had to go get more, so we got two cans and hopefully I won’t run out again. But I might. We’ll see. There was another hour or more of light last night, so I could’ve kept painting, but I thought I’d killed enough brain cells for one day. Stinky stain.

It’s still amazingly smoky here. The forecast had been calling for rain tomorrow, but it’s changed to just cloudy, after which it gets nice again. We’ve now had a record-tying number of days over 70 degrees and today will presumably make it a record-breaking number of days, as it’s supposed to be 78. Yesterday it was 81. Buh. And everything is orange, orange, orange because of the smoke. I would, of course, choose to be spending hours and hours outside /now/, when the air is bad, instead of for the last several weeks when it wasn’t. Although, y’know, the fence only just got put up, so what can ya do?

When I am done staining the fence–hopefully by Saturday–I am going to reward myself with a massage. So there!

miles to Lothlorien: 175

1 thought on “variety of stuff

  1. Er…I think there’s something wrong with that post. There’s a sentence that’s not completed and the bit about the weather thinks it’s a link, but it goes nowhwere….

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