Having eaten a truly astounding amount of food in the last week, and being visibly pudgier than I was ten days ago and grumpy about it, I am declaring a moritorium on eating poorly and getting back on the wagon.
Today’s goal: do weights as well as walk to the post office.
Short term goal: 3 days of actually sticking to a WW plan, counting points and all. This gets me to Thursday, where I will get on the scale and see what kind of damage I’ve done (and hopefully mitigated).
Slightly longer term goal: 10 days of no sweets. To be renegotiated on the 7th. 40 days would be better, but with guests coming I suspect it’s impractical, so we’ll work in shorter increments.
Long term goal: 100 days of eating well and exercising daily or almost daily.
And we’re off.
I’ve been rattling around unhappily for the last while, because with a 15-lb gain, none of the shorts from last summer fit, and I’m loath to buy more, but I’m quite short on things to wear (on my lower half, at least) right now.
I’m trying my damndest to eat better, but only being home three or maybe four days a week doesn’t help (weekends up north are Friday-Monday or longer, now), plus there’s lots of eating out and I can’t cook much at Ellie’s, and well.
I really like the three-day thing, though, and will give that a try; maybe if I can reset TWTH, I can keep to something planful during the weekend, and do something about the encroaching pudge.
On the bright side, I’ve been feeling uncommonly good about myself (appearance, I mean) for the last couple of weeks, extra pounds or not, and have been experimenting more with clothes/style as a result. So that’s good, at least!