I have got like 204 swollen tastebuds and a bitten lower lip that’s going to turn into a canker sore. This has nothing to do with the Wednesday writeup. I’m just sniveling about them, because they really hurt.
The first interview Wednesday morning ran short, I’m pretty sure. I remember this largely because it didn’t seem quite worth getting up at 3 in the morning for (although at least it was 3, and not 2:30!) because it’d run short. But that’s ok. The second one, which was the long one (42 minutes!) went *really* well. The guy, Ron, had read the book (I think 7 of the 11 had, actually, which made me really happy) and he had about a million good questions. He asked about shamanism and he asked if I’d ever done any shamanic questing and he asked about the writing process and he asked about Coyote and about the website–he’s web-savvy and they do a streaming broadcast of their station, so I got to hit the whole website thing like three times during that interview, which was great. He was very laid back, a real Southern gentleman, and the interview just flowed really nicely. I wish particularly that that one’d been recorded, but I doubt it was. I’m going to find out, though, just in case. He invited me back, as did several of the others, in fact. Yay!
Then the third one on Wednesday was the one with the guy who was a sf/f reader, so that was actually really kind of exciting, because he knew the genre and *he* was all excited about the book, because he said he’d never read anything like it before, and he really got drawn into the character as she discovered her own powers, which was just *exactly* what I was hoping for, so wow, what a great response to get, just as a writer. He was all enthusiastic and very, very hopeful about the prospect of Luna sending him the next books and me coming back to talk more, because he was way into it all. *grin* So that pretty much rocked. :)
And because we’d been so efficient on Tuesday and done all the stock signings, I ended up with the entire afternoon free. Aunt Kathy came and picked me up and we drove out to Redmond to see Grandma and Aunt Mabel and took them to lunch, which was just a completely wonderful way to spend the afternoon. Grandma was very excited over the book (I’d brought her a copy, signed to her, and when Mabel read her the dedication I’d written to her she just beamed for about five minutes straight), and Kathy kept accosting random strangers (our waitresses, for example) and telling them that her niece had written this book! *laugh* We spent a good couple of hours with them, which just made me tremendously happy, and then Kathy and I drove back down into the city. It was really the first time she and I had ever spent any one-on-one time together, and we had a great time. Just lots and lots of fun. It’s good to see family.
Know what I like about flying, I asked suddenly and randomly? I like that the sun is always shining above the clouds. :)
I caught Christine on her way out–she was flying back to New York on Wednesday night–and I *didn’t get a picture* of us together, argh! (Clearly, we will have to do this again soon!) But man, it was neat to meet her and just to be part of this whole promotional thing. It’d all gone so well. :) Then I went out to dinner, went to B&N and discovered the book was sold out (say it with me: OH DARN!) and went home and fell into bed.
I have now written like 4000 words worth of writeup and I’ve only made it halfway through the week. Ai! But the plane’s starting to descend and I’m tired of typing, so I think I’ll leave the rest of it for a little later. It’s what, the 12th? 18 days until FIREBIRD DECEPTION is due. I better get this writeup done tonight if I want to get it done at all.
Wow! Your first ever press junket! :)