
Fwoosh! Lots of tiredness here at this house tonight! Deirdre and Gavin arrived Friday evening at about a quarter to midnight; as Mom said, “And you went to bed at 10 to midnight?” Pretty much. :) Deirdre got to SLEEP IN all weekend! Woot! :) Although how she slept in through the bloody cats meowing all last night and her boys waking up at 7ish this morning, I don’t know.

They went into Cork before us after a breakfast of blueberry pancakes (mmMMmm!), and had a fine time trundling around, it seems like. Cork really is quite pretty. We went in and met up with them for lunch, then met up with Mom & Dad and the little boys and went separate ways again, so that Ted could go home and cook dinner and Deirdre and Gavin could have more time to themselves. We got a little sidetracked on the cooking dinner part ’cause we went through the English Market and I picked up some rhubarb and so when we got home I made strawberry-rhubarb pie before Ted took over.

He made eggplant tien (I think that’s the spelling) and spinach quiche for dinner. It was *ridiculously* good. Mom was lingering over her quiche not wanting to swallow the last bite ’cause when she did it would be gone. :) My pie turned out very nicely, and Ted broke out the rest of the chocolate mousse, which everybody died over. Man, that’s good stuff. :) It was an insanely yummy dinner. I walked Deirdre and Gavin down to the local, ’cause we didn’t want them to get crushed to death on the hairpin blind turns on the road and they didn’t know the other way, and wow, 11pm in the summer when it’s not raining is a very nice time to walk in Ireland!

Today Ted and I went into Cork to see Mom & Dad off, and then went to ImMortal2, a circus by nofitstate, which is…incredible. The program has a quote referring to it as Cirque du Soliele without the Disneyfying and disinfectant, and I think that’s an extremely good description. It’s semi-interactive: there are no seats, and you’re herded around by stagehands while the performers talk with you while running back and forth to their marks, so that’s kind of cool in itself. I suspect that with a livelier audience it would be increasingly cool, in fact.

The show itself is about finding joy in life so when death comes on you can remember your moments of joy and move on. It’s…very effective. Again, I think it would be even more effective if the audience had been more responsive, but it was joyful and enthusiastic and death-defying and sensual (there was a rope dance that was about the woman learning to trust and love, the latter at least emotionally and to my reading, physically as well, that was…holy gods. *jaw drops*), and the last piece was downright creepy, as it should have been. It was a fantastic show, and if you’re in Ireland I highly, highly recommend going to see it. They’ll be Donegal and in Dublin and somewhere else over the next month; if you want specifics I’ll get them from the program. Just let me know. And they’ll be in Edinburgh in August or late July; again, if you want the dates, email me or ask in comments. It’s a *really* good show and I highly recommend it. Wow.

miles to Isengard: 131

1 thought on “weekend!

  1. I think I need to go back and see the Circus again, because I didn’t pick up on most of that storyline. I think it had something to do with my jaw being on the floor and I got caught up with how graceful they all were!

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