
My elbow hurts this morning. So does my shoulder. I should probably call up and make a chiro appointment as soon as they open. Any bets on whether I’ll remember?

…ow. I just crunked my upper back while putting earrings in. I think I’ll remember to call the chiro. Ow.

I gots new earrings! They match my other smaller hoops, which are just like those except they’ve only got two diamond-cut textured areas on them instead of 3. :) I loffs them!

Today’s official weigh-in day. For the first time in a month, I have lost weight. 2 pounds! I’m down to 165, which is 2 pounds more than what I think of as my college weight, although really I’m about 10 pounds lighter already than I was through much of college. It’s also just 10 pounds away from the thinnest I’ve been in my adult life. *waves a little flag*

Oop. Chiro’s not open til 10, so I guess I better go write until then instead of dinking around.

1 thought on “weigh-in

  1. I gots new earrings! They match my other smaller hoops, which are just like those except they’ve only got two diamond-cut textured areas on them instead of 3. :) I loffs them!


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