I need a different scale. This one won’t zero out quite properly–it tends to wobble around the 2 pound mark–and it does its measurements in stones (14 pounds) and 2 pound increments between the stones, so between those two things it’s freaking hard to tell what my actual weight is.
Unsurprisingly, given that this has been the Week Of Flourless Chocolate Cake, my weight is up a little. I cannot, however, really tell if I’m up .5 pounds or 1.5 pounds. I genuinely think it’s the former, but … I need a different scale. This is the second not-especially-functional scale I’ve bought here; the first one was digital and off by anywhere from 8-20 pounds, depending on its mood that day, and we couldn’t find anything to tell us how to recalibrate it. Sigh.
Of course, getting a different scale will entail the misery of finding out what THAT scale claims my weight is, and starting all over again from that. Still, consistency would be nice.
A cool side story, though: a cousin of mine who has always been fat joined Weight Watchers a while ago, apparently, and has lost 80 pounds and intends to lose the rest! Go her!
There’s a scale that I’ve been coveting for a while, but haven’t justified buying, yet. Would I be more motivated to be good about my eating if I were more confident in my scale? Or should I be better about my eating before I can get a scale I can be more confident in? Yeah.
I have pretty well decided that if I do get a new scale, it’s worth spending the money to get a good one.