weird damned car

So the battery kept draining on the Audi. We brought it to the independent import auto repair place. He recommended we bring it to this other auto electric place. It took a couple days for us to get over there to pick up the car, ’cause of Ted’s schedule.

The car started perfectly. The mechanic said except for the first time, once he’d disconnected and reconnected the battery and alternator, the car had started up every time he tried it.

We have since started it three or four times. It keeps starting right up.

Ted thinks the Fear of Tech Support got into the car. (Fear of Tech Support: a repeating problem suddenly ups and disappears when you bring your computer in to have somebody look at it.) So, hey, functional car. Finally. Yay. o.O

Editing pass #1 done on HoS. Working on #2 now. (Ok, I’m on page 1, but still.) Still feeling fretful over some things that *I* think work but other people seem to be more dubious about, so I’m going to send it to one more person to read when this pass is done.
