What a weekend!
Went to dance class on Friday, which was a lot of fun, and then went to see “Shark Tale”, which was cute but so busy parodying/homaging other movies that it sometimes forgot about its own plot. There were a couple of very cute little kids in front of us, and for the several minutes that their mother was getting them prepared to watch the movie, I kept sitting there thinking, “Kids! Little tiny kids! What kind of movie is this that people would bring little tiny kids to it?” Eventually I remembered what we were there to see (I really, honestly couldn’t remember), and then it seemed all right. :)
Saturday I finished reading Judith Tarr’s DEVIL’S BARGAIN, which I liked a *great* deal (never read any of her stuff before; clearly I need to remedy this), and then wrote twelve hundred or so words of an alternate history novel which I’ll probably never write more of. I certainly won’t write more of it any time soon.
Ted vacuumed, I dusted and cleaned up here and there and made a german chocolate cake, Ted made London broil for dinner, and Ellen and her husband Jake, who were down from Fairbanks, came over to dinner, as did my parents, and we had a completely splendid evening that went on until Zilli had shed most of his fur on Ellen and Ellen was falling asleep from the kitty sleep rays being emitted. :) It was really a very excellent time.
Today was the day to get started on my novella, so I wrote a chapter. Then I took the dog for a two mile walk and came home and wrote another chapter. Then I took the dog for another walk and came home and wrote another chapter, and then part of another chapter, so I ended up with 10,218 words for the day and I’m, er, rather pleased with that. :) My brain’s not even too tired. It may all be pure crap, of course, but that’s what rough drafts are for anyway.
Jeez, if I can just do that for two more days… :)
miles to Lothlorien: 288
ytd wordcount: 262,100
Outrageous good evening! Ted’s London broil was superb and there was much laughter and deep delving into All That Is Important. :)
You do realize that Devil’s Bargain is the second in that series?
but i agree that she writes quite well. :)
I love her Avaryan books.