whee! More Young Dubs!

More Young Dubliners last night! To my disappointment, they did the exact same set that they’d done Thursday, but the up side of that was that I semi-knew all the songs, so that was okay. :)

There were no drunk Vikings last night. There was, however, a Jai and a Jack, who both decided to join us. Yay! We all sort of just hung out and listened to the opening act, which was the reggae band again, and they were still pretty decent, and then Jai and I (after taking a bathroom break where a very tall woman with great hair 1. complimented my bodice and 2. mentioned she didn’t like using the handicapped stall in that bathroom, because there were wide-ish cracks where the door was hung and she felt like people were staring through them at her) abandoned the guys and went down to the dance floor and jumped around for two hours. :)

The bass player checked me out so obviously, several times, that it made Jai and me laugh until we could hardly stand up (the Red Bodice looked pretty good, I guess). The fiddler continued to be mad, with his leaping and bouncing and waving his bow around to get people to participate. There was a moppet whose parents, for some bewildering reason, saw fit to bring him to a late night rock concert, and he appeared to be *completely* fascinated by the band. The band, amusingly, was equally fascinated by him, but when the mad fiddler paused and knelt down to play a little tune just for him, the kid started crying. *laugh*

About halfway through the concert, Jai leaned over to me and said, “You think they’ll still have CDs after the show?” Ahahahah! My evil plan worked! Ahahahah! :) Oh, and hee! We ended up right at the very front and center of the dance floor, up against the stage, so when Keith (the lead guitarist) flipped his guitar picks out into the audience at the end of the set and then the end of the encore, Jai and I both got them. *laugh* And *laugh* I was like, “Oh, I have a guitar pick!” this morning when I put my hand in my jeans pocket, and Ted said, dryly, “You get that from the bass player?” *laughs out loud*

*laughs more* There was a power strip right in front of us, that Jai noticed during one of the last couple of songs. She pointed it out, then mimicked shutting it off, which made me laugh so hard I nearly fell down. Tears in my eyes and everything. I have no idea how much it would’ve shut off, but oh my god, what an evil idea! Bad Jai! Bad! It was VERY funny!

So we had a really great time. And apparently the boys did too, even if they stayed sitting. :) So I’m really glad Jai and Jack came with us, and I’m glad we went both nights, and yeah! It was good!

miles to Lothlorien: 455
current music: Real World, Young Dubliners

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