Today was a less useful day at the writing conference, but I still enjoyed myself, overall. I’m tired. Um. Oh, Mary Anne, I didn’t get anything signed for you because Laurie King wasn’t there today. :P
Jeez. That’s about it, for today. I’m tired. :)
Oh, no, there’s one other thing. :) Ted bought me the Hellboy soundtrack. *beam* Somebody loves me!
That’s okay….I’m just glad to hear she’s likable in person…I am often loathe to meet people whose work I admire. I fear that if I meet them and they turn out to be a&&h***s, I won’t be able to enjoy their work any longer. Although, so far I’ve been pleased:
Tad Williams was very charming and articulate
Madeleine Albright was very gracious
ummmm….I guess that’s about it, really, but… :)
Glad you had a good time!