I did a bunch of stuff this morning–made bread & cinnamon rolls, cleaned the kitchen, addressed & packed up all the Strongbox envelopes, sorted out my Book Closet a bit now that there are 20+ fewer books in it–and although I’d kind of intended to write today, by that time it was 2 and it didn’t seem very likely. So I pottered around a bit and then sort of went “well, what the hell, I’ll see if anybody’s in the war room, maybe I’ll get a little written…”
95K down. Probably 10Kish left to go, and then some very hasty revisions before I submit it.
I had a moment just now of going “My God, how do I do this every time? How do I manage to put a hundred thousand words together to make a story, time after time after time? That’s INCREDIBLE!” *laughs*
ytd wordcount: 66,800